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Local Newspapers

Chicago Tribune

Full text access to the Chicago Tribune 1985-present.

Chicago Tribune: Historical Newspaper

Search or browse every issue of the Chicago Tribune as it appeared in print from 1849-1998.

The Doings Archive (In-Library Use Only)

The Doings digitized, searchable and browsable 1896-2017. Access by visiting the Hinsdale Public Library.

The Doings

Full text access to The Doings 2005-present.

The Hinsdalean Archive (In-Library Use Only)

The Hinsdalean searchable and browsable 2006-present. Access by visiting the Hinsdale Public Library.

NewsBank: Chicago Community Collection

Access to the Chicago Sun-Times as text and image, Crain’s Chicago Business, Hinsdale Suburban Life, The Doings and other local newspapers. World Collection

The World Collection is a massive online newspaper archive consisting of 231 million+ pages of historical newspapers from 23,700+ newspapers from around the United States and beyond.


Newspapers and magazines from around the world, including The Economist, presented in full-image format. A PressReader app is also available for your smartphone or tablet.