Showing all 27 results
Curiosity Kit: Backyard Birding
Explore the great outdoors and learn about birds in the Midwest by reading our birding guides and using the binoculars to see the birds up close.
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Curiosity Kit: Band in a Bag
Clap, clang, and tap with this musical kit including maracas, cymbals, tambourine, guiro, triangle, and more!
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Curiosity Kit: Basic Math Operations
Play games and practice math skills including counting, addition, subtraction, and more with this kit.
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Curiosity Kit: Blocks Rock
Practice color, shape, and pattern recognition with this educational game. Compete against someone else and race to see who can build the structure faster!
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Curiosity Kit: Bowling Set
Practice gross motor skills and play a fun game of bowling with this set of animal-themed pins.
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Curiosity Kit: Circuit Blox
Build a sound machine, launch a fan, light up an LED, and more using the Circuit Blox and Power Blox kits from E-Blox.
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Curiosity Kit: Construction Planks
Use this STEM set of wooden blocks to recreate structures from the inspiration cards. Build structures like a bridge, a boat, a staircase, and more!
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Curiosity Kit: Cubelets
Snap together blocks to create a variety of unique robots. Learn problem-solving skills, engineering, design, and computational thinking.
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Curiosity Kit: Dog Trainer Kit
Learn dog training skills and techniques, and help your pup learn new tricks with this kit full of tips, ideas, and information about dogs.
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Curiosity Kit: Doll House
Check out this wooden doll house including a toy car, dolls, and household furniture.
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Curiosity Kit: Edison Bots
Learn and practice the basics of coding and robotics with this kit. The Edison Bot can be programmed to follow a flashlight, move when you clap, follow a line that you draw, and more.
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Curiosity Kit: Electromagnetism
Check out this kit to learn the basic principles of electricity and magnetism by doing experiments and activities from the 40-page experiment manual.
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Curiosity Kit: Engineering
This kit includes Magna Tiles (3D magnetic building tiles) and Playstix (interlocking plastic for building).
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Curiosity Kit: Explore Outer Space
Learn about the solar system using the planetarium projector, shining stars projector, and space-themed book.
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Curiosity Kit: Explorer’s Kit
Use the metal detector, scavenger hunt cards, and walkie talkies to go on all sorts of adventures!
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Curiosity Kit: Frog Dissection
Play pretend with a plush frog that you can "dissect". Explore the major internal organs, then play a diagnostic game to figure out why the frog isn't feeling well.
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Curiosity Kit: Game Night Pack
Check out this kit and enjoy a game night full of fun with games like Sushi Go, Telestrations, and more.
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Curiosity Kit: Gears and Zome Tool
Use your imagination to build different shapes and structures.
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Curiosity Kit: Geology Kit
This kit includes assorted rocks, minerals, and gemstones, as well as a journal to record your findings!
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Curiosity Kit: Gravitrax
Build interactive tracks with the GraviTrax Starter Set and learn about gravity, magnetism and kinetics.
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Curiosity Kit: Human Anatomy
This human body puzzle includes 24 anatomical magnets.
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Curiosity Kit: Karaoke Machine
Use our speaker and microphones to put on your own concert and sing along to your favorite songs.
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Curiosity Kit: Kids Can Code
Learn and practice coding skills with the Code and Go Robot Mouse and activity guide.
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Curiosity Kit: Learn To Tell Time
Use Tock the Learning Clock and other items in this kit to learn about telling time and how to read a clock.
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Curiosity Kit: Magician Kit
Check out this kit to learn the techniques behind several famous magic tricks.
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Curiosity Kit: Magna Tiles
Magna Tiles are magnetic, geometrically shaped, multi-dimensional building blocks that provide children with opportunity for creative play.
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Curiosity Kit: Magnet Experiment
Explore the many uses of magnets with this kit including different types of magnets and a variety of experiments you can try out.
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