Libby (web) or Libby (app)
Find eBooks or eAudiobooks from eMediaLibrary, including current and popular titles. Your Hinsdale Public Library card gives you additional access to copies available only to HPL cardholders.
Use the Libby app or your web browser to access HPL’s collection. Check out the “Extras” tab in the app to get access to The Great Courses collection. Limit of ten titles checked out at a time.
eBooks and eAudiobooks of popular and classic titles are available through eRead Illinois on the Boundless app (formerly Axis360).
Hoopla offers access to thousands of ebooks and eaudiobooks available for streaming or download. Hoopla’s collection has comics too, including DC Comics. Titles are always available and return automatically.
HPL cardholders may borrow 15 Hoopla titles per month. Apps available for IOS, Android, Amazon Fire, Roku, Chromecast, Fire TV, Apple TV and AndroidTV. Library
Free to any user in Illinois, these ebooks include a curated “Pop Up Picks” collection that rotates quarterly, the Bodlian Library Collection, and titles from the Recovering the Classics series.
Apps available for IOS, Android and Amazon Fire.
Hoopla’s selection of music, tv and movies are always available for streaming and downloading.
Titles are always available and return automatically. HPL cardholders may borrow 15 Hoopla titles per month. Apps available for IOS, Android, Amazon Fire, Roku, Chromecast, Fire TV, Apple TV and AndroidTV.
Kanopy’s streaming collection of films include the Criterion Collection, documentaries, Great Courses and more.
Titles are always available and return automatically after 72 hours. HPL cardholders may borrow eight Kanopy titles per month. Apps available for IOS, Android, Roku, AppleTV, Amazon Fire and FireTV.
Hoopla now offers access to select MasterClass courses. MasterClass is a streaming platform where anyone can learn from the world’s best across a wide range of subjects. More titles coming soon.
Apps available for IOS, Android, Amazon Fire, Roku, Chromecast, Fire TV, Apple TV and AndroidTV.
The Great Courses
HPL’s Great Courses collection includes over 250 streaming titles. Watch as many of the 250 Great Courses titles as you’d like during your one-week checkout period!
To access them in the browser, click the link above. Follow the instructions and look for the “Extras” link to find The Great Courses. To access them on your phone or tablet, download the Libby app. Log in with your library card and then look for the “Extras” link.
Please note: additional Great Courses content is available on Hoopla and Kanopy.
eMediaLibrary now offers over 4000 magazines, including current and popular titles.
Use the Libby app to access HPL’s collection.
Hoopla now offers BingePasses, including one for Magazines! This gives you access to 75+ titles including Country Living, Elle Decor, Food Network Magazine, Golf, Good Housekeeping, Harper’s Bazaar, Inc., Men’s Health, Sports Illustrated, and more. See all available titles here. To get access, sign in to Hoopla, click Browse, and look for “BingePasses”. All 75+ magazines will be available for 7 days.
Apps available for IOS, Android, Amazon Fire, Roku, Chromecast, Fire TV, Apple TV and AndroidTV.
Magazines and newspapers from around the world, including The Economist, presented in full-image format.
App available for IOS and Android.
America’s News Magazines
Access magazines as text, including The Atlantic.
Booklist Reader
Hinsdale Library Lists
Check out these recommendation lists by Hinsdale Librarians. Lists change monthly.
Readers’ resource for read alikes, series, and recommendations for adults and teens.