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Library Card Sign-up Month

Friday Sep. 1, 2017 at 8:57 AM

Hinsdale Library

September 1-30

This September marks the 30th anniversary of Library Card Sign-up Month—a time when the American Library Association (ALA) joins public libraries nationwide to highlight the value of a library card.  Since 1987, Library Card Sign-up Month has been held each September to mark the beginning of the school year. Libraries work to remind parents and youth that signing up for a library card is the first step towards academic achievement and lifelong learning.

Need a card? Get the process started online. Is yours expiring soon? We’ll send you a postcard to confirm your address and renew for you! As a cardholder, you can borrow books in audio, electronic, and traditional print platforms; learn something new via, Rosetta Stone, and other online resources; attend exciting classes and programs; request a meeting room for your group and so much more.

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