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Hinsdale Public Library.


Summer Reading Club

Thursday Jun. 22, 2017 at 6:36 PM

Hinsdale Library

June 8-July 31

Summer might be a time to kick back and relax, but at the Library, we are busier than ever. We have something for the entire family to get involved, starting with our summer reading clubs.

Kids and teens are challenged to keep track of the time they spend reading to earn some great prizes. Pick up a reading log in the Youth Services Department. Kids, color a clock every time you read 10 minutes. Bring in your log to spin the prize wheel after you complete each row. When you complete the log (500 minutes) you win a free book! Teens, fill in a clock every time you read for 20 minutes. Each time you read 200 minutes, bring in your log to spin the gumball machine for an entry into the grand prize drawing and a chance for an instant bonus prize. When you complete the log (1,000 minutes), you win a free book!

Adults will spend time connecting over books this summer. Attend one of our programs focused on bringing our community together to share books and the experience of reading. Look for prizes at our book-related events. Don’t forget to add your favorite checkouts from the summer to our Thumbs Up Box (TUB). Drop those items in the TUB next to the regular item return slots in the lobby to anonymously share your recommendation with the community.

Library use, classes, programs and events are offered, as always, free of charge, so plan on stopping by the Library throughout the summer!

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